24 Sept 2018

CSS learning resources

To understand the fundamentals, http://learnlayout.com/ is a really good website.

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS (This one is the best and most comprehensive, much better than w3school)

Important concepts to understand:

- clear fix (this one is by far the best and easiest to implement) - http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/

Advanced links to improve techniques and code clean and maintainable code:

- this is a mini-game that helps understanding flexbox and all its possibilities, very fun and interesting! - http://flexboxfroggy.com/

CSS/Sass frameworks and tools that can be helpful

http://postcss.org/ - css post-processor, provides very useful tools such as an autoprefixer to handle browser-compatibility

http://bourbon.io/ - sass library

https://purecss.io/grids/ - there are many other grid frameworks. knowing at least one can really help understanding how to create clean and standardised layouts

Blogs of great front-end developers, full of interesting posts!


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